Saturday, January 10, 2015

on Gallery owners who hate Artists

the Artist / Gallery relationship is an ancient one, founded on a weird form of trust. involving yourself with a middle man to sell your wares became a necessary evil at some point because they had ways to sell your product. like most middle men they are the parasites that gorge on the force of someone elses juices.
A story emerged recently from a gallery called Retrospect - a medium sized fish in a small pond in a regional centre of Australia. I'm unfamiliar with the owner, but the artwork is normally of a graphic commercial nature - dogs, cows, surfing, etc... with no real edge to it. The kind of stuff Asian hotels chew up by the bucketful.
anyway here is the letter and photo that was posted on another site last week; no matter what you think of the Art, this is the worst act i've come across in many moons.. and a fine candidate for ARTHATEART!!

"I asked retrospect gallery Byron bay for my prints back today, this was the email I received from the director as a response (a photo of my prints destroyed). It has been a stressful on going battle to get my work back and be removed from her website..there are paintings that she took to Europe and left there over two years ago with no hope of return."

Thursday, January 1, 2015

on James Turrell

i saw a James Turrell retrospective recently. i like Turrells quotes about light that are paraphrased from eastern mysticism, and his moustache is pretty impressive in a regal desert rancher kind of way. I went to the show open minded and unfamiliar with being present in one of his light abstracted spaces.
it was not such an impressive experience. it was mostly cold science fiction, empty of the warmth and beauty of light. one piece declared itself as producing a "sense of nothingness" within the viewer, like "being in a snow whiteout". it didn't do this, and i wondered if Turrell had ever been in a whiteout?
maybe he was just looking through his bespoke beard and mo?
the show tried to put Art on some elevated platform, something to be revered, like a temple or church and all it gave me was some good ideas for home lighting. maybe quietly that is Turrells intention?